UltraBot Commands

Economy Commands

uwu balance

Display your balance

uwu balance {@user}

Display others balance

uwu buy

Buy items from the shop

uwu shop

Visit the shop

uwu pay {@user}

Pay/Transfer UWU to members/users

Bank Commands

uwu bsetup

Setup a bank account for banking

uwu bprofile

Get the bank account info and profile

uwu bbalance

Get your current bank balance

uwu bdelete

Delete your current bank account

uwu bwithdraw [amount]

Withdraw UWU Money from bank to balance

uwu bdeposit [amount]

Deposit UWU Money into the bank

uwu bloan [amount]

Get a bank loan to your account

uwu bloansettle [amount]

Settle a loan amount you want

uwu bloaninfo

Get your current bank loan status/info

Animals Commands

uwu hunt

Go hunt for items, animals, lootboxes

uwu inv

Display your inventory

uwu send_to_barn

Send all animals in your inventory to barn

uwu barn

Display your barn

uwu lootbox

Open lootboxes

Gamble Commands

uwu roll [dice sides] [bet]

Roll a dice and bet an amount

uwu coinflip [bet] [heads/tails]

Place bids and flip the coin

uwu lottery_buy [ticket number]

Buy a Lottery Card

uwu lottery_shop

Display lottery shop

For Fun Commands

uwu choose [word1] [word2] [word3]

Choose one thing

uwu cool

Check your cool rate

uwu dadjoke

Get a random dad joke

uwu gay

Check your gay rate

uwu gif [search]

Search and get a gif

uwu 8ball [question]

Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question

uwu poll [poll] [choice2] [choice3]

Create a poll with multiple choices

uwu rps [choice]

Play Rock Paper Scissors against the bot

uwu say [text]

Make the bot repeat the provided text

uwu sticker [search]

Search and get a sticker

uwu trivia

Join a trivia game

Social Commands

uwu avatar {@user}

Get a user's avatar

uwu love {@user1} {@user2}

Get the love percentage between two players

uwu pray

Offer a prayer or request

Meme Maker Commands

uwu meme [subcommand] [text1] | [text2]

Make a custom meme using templates

uwu memelist

Get all meme template Sub Commands

Actions Commands

uwu [actions] {@user}

Show an action to another user

Cookies Commands

uwu bake

Bake a Cookie

uwu cookies

Get your cookies count

uwu cookieleaderboard

Get the world Top 10 Cookie Leaderboard

Utility Commands

uwu google [search]

Search on Google

uwu invite

Get the UwU community update Discord invite link

uwu google [math]

Solve maths from the bot UwU

uwu pagestatus

Get the UwU Web page status

uwu ping

Get UwU Bot's ping

uwu stats

Get Bot's stats

uwu shards

Get the shard info

uwu translate [code] [text]

Translate words/sentences into other languages

uwu ytsearch [search]

Search on YouTube and get closest result

uwu news

Get the latest news in the UwU Community Update Server

Manage Server

uwu enable

Enable this command triggering channel

uwu disable

Disable this command triggering channel

uwu list_enabled

Get a list of enabled channels